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Current Teaching

Universiteit Maastricht

Most of my current teaching is in the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. I introduce students to different aspects of governance of health and life science research, and aspects of the regulation of medical practice. I also supervise students with the Bachelor's or Master's theses. 

I won the 2015 Faculty prize for best coordinator of a health module. 

I also teach a course in the Law Faculty on the Intellectual Property and Knowledge Management Master's degree, on IP and the Life Sciences. 

Areas covered

Introductions to Law

  • What is Law? How does it relate to ethics and manners?

  • What is the authority of Law? How does it bind behaviour?

  • What is the significance of Human Rights Law?

  • How do you handle legal materials? 

Introduction to European Union Law

  • What are the basic institutions of the EU (and Coucil of Europe)?

  • How is legislation created in the EU?

  • What is the EU competence in relation to health?

  • Article 168 and Article 114 - impossible tension?

Data Protection and Privacy

Cross-border Patient Rights

Clinical Trials

Research Ethics Committees

Patents in the Life Sciences

Dutch Health Law 

Euthanasia and End of Life Decisions

Questions at the Beginning of Life

Governance in Global Health




University of Sheffield

I still teach with Dr Andy Furley a course on "Ethics, Law and the Public Perception of Science" for the Biomedical Science department. This concerns issues on the governance of the life sciences, but there is an interesting dimension about the role of scientist in interacting with society, and the role of society (and, for example, journalism) in relation to science.  

Previous Courses


In previous years, I have taught a variety of courses, many of them in the Law Faculty at Sheffield. 

Property I and Property II - Property Law, including the concept of property; the history and function of Equity; the range of Equity substantive subjects - particularly constructive trusts, and the creation and constitution of private trusts. I also tutored in land law.

Intellectual Property - the philosophical and ethical context of intellectual property; copyright; the use of IP in secure finance.

The Law of the Welfare State - the history of the welfare state; the philosophy of the welfare state; homelessness and housing law; social security law.

Lawyers, Clients and Cases - this was a clinical law course in two parts: students had placements in a public law setting (e.g. the local authority), a private law setting (e.g. a solicitor's office), and in a Free Legal Advice Centre; an interdisciplinary exploration of power and the role of the lawyer in society. The clinical placements were designed to be provide observational material to use in the critical reflection from the theoretical part of the course. 



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